
Security Awareness and Organizational Design

Our goal is to develop security programs where security is a workplace community effort. We achieve this through security internalisation surveys and workshops bridging the divide between security, employees and management. Security becomes an “everyone” solution and approach.

Intelligence and Investigations

At APGI we perform open and closed source intelligence research and conduct external and internal investigations for clients with a focus on protecting the interests of the client. Producing local, country or global based open source intelligence reports, environmental scans and threat assessments on a periodic basis or upon client request.

Independent Third Party Security Assurance and Reporting

We monitor security and business processes remotely and compare those against the client’s policies, procedures and key performance indicators to provide continuous assurance that client expectations are met. Conducting effectiveness reviews, using our own or client’s criteria, and making recommendations to continuously improve the security program to a maturity level agreed to by the client. We remotely monitor high risk activities or individual business processes at the client’s discretion. We provide automated statistical reporting and trend analysis on business processes.

Independent Remote Security Systems Administration

Providing off-site administration of security systems such as access control, surveillance and incident management that includes automated reporting and analysis of all control data, alarms and other sensor data. We conduct regular user audits to ensure proper permissions are in place to eliminate unauthorized access to restricted files or privacy breaches. This prevents active or passive security collusion and local intimidation and pressure on security staff.

Business Reporting

We generate automated business reports tailored to the client’s specifications on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Offering custom build dashboards for management insight into company operations. Creating independent process assurance audits to ensure that business processes are functioning within predefined parameters set by management, monitored remotely or on premise. This, also, allows for independent change management reporting to management wherever we monitor defined inputs and outputs

Security Human Rights Training

More than 75% of the world’s largest mining companies are headquartered in Canada, but the majority have operations around the globe. Corporate social responsibility is a critical factor in helping businesses, and their security providers, understand and meet the benchmarks of social responsibility. APGI offers training on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights. The intent of APGI’s training program is to have companies and their employees understand.

  • What are the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights as enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • What are the roles of the employer and the employee in protecting Human Rights
  • What are Security and law enforcement impacts on Human Rights;
  • What needs to happen to implement and ensure compliance with the Voluntary Principles in the workplace.

Through conducting this training, and implementing the Voluntary Principles, companies are able to show they are committed to ensuring that their policies and security providers are aligned to internationally recognized Human Rights principles. In the modern global business environment this isn’t simply a “nice to have”, rather it is expected by shareholders, investors and consumers.